200 Years of Palaeobotany
27 - 31 May, 2024, Prague, Czech Republic which include IAWA Fossil Wood Symposium
Full Link: https://www.prague2020.cz/index.php
Full information from the host:
February 3, 2023
Ladies and gentlemen, dear colleagues,
we are happy to announce that the XVth International Palynological Congress/XIth International Organization of Palaeobotany Conference 200 Years of Palaeobotany event finally will be held in Prague in new term: May 27th–31st, 2024.
We are also able to announce that the local organzing committee generated deadlines for call for symposia (01-JUN-2023), abstract submission (01-DEC-2023) and early registration (01-DEC-2023). We will stay in the same venue as was planned for 2020 and will have full 5 days conference there. Due to the new term we had to cancel the mid term field trips and hope to offer field trips before and after the conference. The website is now under construction and will be step by step updated. After it will be finished we will make new mailing to announce the launch of the registration as well as abstract submission possibility.
There will be slight changes in the regisration fees due to inflation as well as due to the change rate changes (CZK vs EUR). Nevertheless all registered participants for 2020/2021 who left their conference fees with us will keep their previous registrations unchanged. Due to the price changes new registration fees are now calculated and will be announced soon.
We are looking forward to welcome you in Prague in 2024!
Organizing Committee
May 29, 2020
3rd Circular launched
April 30, 2020
New Conference term: 01.- 07.05.2021
Early registration term extended until September 30, 2020
April 30, 2020
Abstract submission deadline extended until November 30, 2020
January 27, 2020
Abstract submission and online registration launched.
January 9, 2019
Call for symposia - deadline extended to October 31, 2019